Once Bridesmaids became a hit, there were too many op eds about women, friendship, legitimacy compared to MAN fare (i.e. the Hangover movies). And I guess if any movie dared to feature a group of women after Bridesmaids, it had to be compared...because women live in a vacuum of predictability, I guess. The overall opinion was that Bachelorette was a bitter, vapid shell that was trying to be Bridesmaids. The thing is...well, that just isn't true.
Plenty of bitches will rail against this stereotype, as if women have not been brainwashed from birth to be in constant competition with each other. Get a grip. This is where we live, females. It is, as they say, our "wheelhouse." Bitches be bitches.
So how is Bachelorette different? It isn't. It is a mildly amusing, engaging movie about jealous bitches and their friend who is getting married. Not exploring new territory here, folks.
The true shame is how the media latched on to the Bridesmaids context and decided it defined women. And that every movie featuring more than one woman would then be compared to that. News for you, fucks, movies follow stereotypes, movies are more extreme than real life, even those set in "reality." But every time you impose a construct and assume that all things are defined by that, then as much as you push your feminist agenda, you are really just feeding off of the same old tropes.
When you review a movie, review it without comparing it to anything else. Stop trying to make everything into a political statement. It's cunty. And yes, I said "cunt." What does the world have to say about that?