The Other OC
By the way, after 6 long years of resistance, I finally have Internet at home...yippity do! Also, tomorrow is my 6 month anniversary...the day I can stop marking the calendar for every day i did not cheat and light up. And every day is marked off -- I did not cheat, not once! Though I did have some emergency Nicorettes to see me through my Memorable Vacation to the Other OC. God. Okay...
After a few drinks, this guy looks like my eighth grade math teacher. Who also served us watered down shots of rum and coke. Shudder.
I spent a shameful amount of time on the balcony of our motel room. Nice view, though.
Look at all the people, having all the fun. This is what I got to do on my last day, which was nice. And boozy.
This was the Night of the Living Dead Crabs with their serious faces and shiny black eyes, staring. I had the crabcakes...and some drinks.
Some idea of the aftermath...and it was so much worse than this. Love the "House Recipe" ketchup. That means: "A mix of ketchups in varying stages of ferment, lovingly added from multiple bottles of questionable vintage." Mmm, tummyache!
This says it all, doesn't it? A litter of little dead exoskeletons glow grim and sorrowful in the waning light of hope. G'bye, OC!
And you paid money for this experience?
Aw, Honey!
You had to pay money? Seriously? My poor Lovey =(
Er...okay. I paid nothing. Aw man, now my tale of woe doens't pack a punch. Nevertheless, it sucked arse.
Hubba hubba! It still sucks but at least you didn't have to pay any money for it.
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