Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fabulous Christmas Display

I am extremely lucky to have several antique family heirlooms. These things remind me of my grandparents and the wonderful Christmas's we shared. My grandmother and I would lock horns all year long, but we somehow met at the brain (and the cha-ching charge card heart) at Christmas. During my most hostile years (11-14), she managed to pick out some truly hip sweaters from the most chic store in town (Henry's...think of it as a Midwestern Sacks Fifth Avenue).

My cousins and I would decorate our grandparent's tree (most of the tinsel ended up on each other) and on Christmas morning we'd all have Merck's coffee cake and oranges, snarfing and smacking like piglets since we were in such a big rush to tear into those presents. Best present ever opened at my grandparents house? It was from my mom, and how could I forget: A boom box and four cassettes: the soundtrack to An Officer and a Gentleman, Olivia Newton John's Greatest Hits Vol. 2, John Cougar's American Fool, and Toni Basil's Word of Mouth.

The colorful ornaments are antiques, too, but they are all recent gifts from my sister. She knows me too well. I love me some shiny.

Thanks, Mom, for ONJ's greatest hits especially (!) and prepare yourself to see this fabulous display in person in 10 days and counting!


Blogger Adairdevil said...


4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely display and an even lovelier story. I like to learn about our family. The ornaments look dynOmite!

3:09 AM  

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