Happy Chicken Year!
This was a memorable trip home for a variety of reasons--some good, some really bad--but I am back in NY, safe and sound, and several chickens richer. Some photos, not all chicken-related...
My glorious glass chicken, purchased for a song...well, not a song, but it was a steal. Remember when glass and crystal trinkets were the rage? Every Christmas, someone always scored a crystal mouse or glass unicorn. Well, look at the technological advances! Isn't he a dream?
He is a little cock-eyed, though. (shame)
Hey, some art! From my sister, the artist. She was able to do quite a lot of work on this project, as well as many others, while we were snowed in and kid-free.
This is the most awesome calendar ever created on earth. I've never heard of this guy, but I love him and his wild roosters of joy.
This is the most awesome calendar ever created on earth. I've never heard of this guy, but I love him and his wild roosters of joy.
More roosters...two gents I've named Steve and Sven. They love each other.
... and only 10 more years 'til the year of the rooster.
i'd call you weird, but that'd be like flubber calling a pogo-stick bouncy.
Admit it. You like it. No one can resist the roostah.
Happy New Year Lovey!
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